Lights Out Headlamp Climb – it's back!

Are you ready to climb in the dark?

The Lights Out Headlamp Climb is back!

On Friday, November 18 from 6-10pm we’ll turn our lights off, turn on the laser lights, pump up the music up, and let you climb with headlamps! Every climber and belayer must have a headlamp. Don’t have one? We will have a few for sale, but once we’re out, we’re out!

Please note: As the lights will be off during this event, this may not be the best evening to visit if you have never been here before. All first time visitors will need to go on an orientation tour as well as be shown how to use our auto-belays. Please plan on arriving at least thirty minutes before 6pm if this will be your first visit to our gym. All first time visitors will need to fill out a Visitor Agreement Form – any youth entering the gym will need one filled out by their parent or court appointed legal guardian. Click HERE for our first visit guide, click HERE for a link to the Visitor Agreement Form.

Check out these photos from this past spring’s Lights Out Headlamp Climb:

Climbing League Weekly Results

The Climbing League is half way over and the teams are climbing strong! The scores, thus far, are listed below.

League teams: just remember, it’s still anyone’s game! You have a makeup week at the end to fill in a missed week and catch back up. Don’t miss the chance to. Please note that during the makeup day, November 3, the River Rock will be resetting the entire bouldering area for the Big Lick Showdown USA Climbing Competition. And the makeup day of November 4, the bouldering area will be closed for the Collegiate Comp that we are resetting for. The bouldering area will not be accessible to climbers, only the roped area will.


Just as a reminder, the River Rock reserves the right to change your starting level depending on how you do. For example, if you wrote down that your starting level is a V1 but climbed three V2s, we changed your starting level to V2. We fully anticipate that you will climb harder as the weeks progress, this is part of the fun of the League, so keep track of how you are climbing and adjust your starting level as you improve. The River Rock will continue to look at each score card and adjust as we see fit.

For all the rules of the League click HERE.

Climbing League

Want a little bit of friendly competition? Want to meet some new people? Join the River Rock Climbing League!

The River Rock Climbing League is a six week long, friendly, team competition that will get you on the wall and having fun with fellow climbers. The League is open to all skill levels; we use a scaled scoring system so no matter your experience, you can fairly compete against anyone else. Form a team of 4, or sign up on your own and we will assign you to a team. Must have at least 3 teams to run. To compete you must be 14 or older. Each team will need a team captain and a team name – have fun with it, just make sure it’s appropriate to all audiences!



  • Meets on Thursdays or Fridays, from 6pm until your team is done climbing.
  • 6 weeks – September 22 – October 28
  • If you miss a week, you have a chance to make up one session the week of October 31 – November 4.
  • Winners will be announced at the Member Social and After-Party of the Big Lick Showdown Competition, November 5, starting around 6pm. Come and join us for the awards and a good time!
  • Cost:

  • $15 per person or $60 per team, member and non-member rate (must pay in advance)
  • The cost does not include day pass or gear rental.
  • Scoring:

  • Participants should determine what their starting level is, i.e. what is the hardest problem you can climb prior to the start of the league. The River Rock reserves the right to adjust your starting level if we feel it is necessary. Based on that starting level will determine what points you will get for each climb. See Figure 1.
  • You may boulder or rope climb, or both.
  • You may repeat a climb the following week for a score, but you may not repeat a climb that night for an additional score.
  • Each team has the allotted amount of time to climb. When a climb is successfully completed (without falling or weighting the rope) it may be counted towards the score. Must have two witness initials. At the end of the evening circle or highlight the top three climbs for each team member and turn the score cards into the Front Counter. See sample score card, Figure 2.
  • The entire team must be present to participate; if you are one member short for an evening, then you may still participate but that missing team member cannot make up their lost score.
  • The River Rock will tally the team’s scores and post on the website, in the gym, and on social media.
  • The team with the most points at the end of the 6 weeks wins.
  • Trophies and prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third place teams.
  • Figure 1.

    Rope Climbing:

    Figure 2.

    2nd Annual River House Block Party

    Join us on Saturday, August 20th for the 2nd Annual River House Block Party!

    $12 gets you in. Food and drink will be available for purchase. We will have two bands providing entertainment: Matt Mullins and the Bringdowns, also Tobacco Apache. Lawn games will be set up for your enjoyment. This is a kid friendly event! Proceedes from the block party will go to purchase and install a bike ‘Fixation Station’ along the Roanoke Greenway in our vicinity.

    Your $12 pass will contain coupons for:
    Beer ticket (day of event only)
    One day pass with rental gear at the River Rock Climbing Gym
    20% off of food purchase at the Wasena City Tap Room
    30% discount on any one rental at Roanoke Mountain Adventures
    All coupons (except beer ticket) will expire on October 31st, 2016.
    What a deal!

    Food and drink must remain in designated areas only. Any person that intends on consuming alcohol must present valid identification.

    Purchase your tickets here:

    Event sponsored by:

    River Rock Open House and Member Social July 21st!

    Never been to the River Rock before? Come check us out between 5:30 and 8:30 pm and climb for free! If you have been here before, bring a friend who has never been and you both can climb for free! Get a taste of climbing and check out our new yoga studio and yoga/fitness classes we offer.
    Members: bring guests during this time for free! You can climb, hang out, eat some food and socialize.
    We will provide drinks and snacks.
    Thursday, July 21, 5:30-8:30pm